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Ties 101: A Man's Guide to Neckties | How To Choose The Perfect Tie

Isn't it hard to believe that something as small as a tie can either make or break your entire outfit? But choosing the right tie for any outfit can turn out to be a mundane and rather tedious task. However it is not an entirely impossible task. To make it easy for you, we have curated a guide that will help you choose the perfect tie that doesn’t just fit well with your attire, but also  enhances your entire look, by adding ten folds to your style. All of this, without the hassle of raging through racks of ties at the local store. 

One thing is for sure, after going through this guide you’ll become a pro at selecting and pairing ties with all kinds of outfits both casual and professional! 

How to Choose The Right Tie:

  • Begin By Choosing The Outfit
  • Keep In Mind The Occasion 
  • Pick The Right Colors
  • Don’t Go Overboard With Patterns
  • Size Matters (no pun intended)
  • Material Is Key

Choosing The Right Outfit

When it comes to styling an outfit, the first and foremost thing that needs to be done is choosing the right outfit that is fit for the occasion, time of day and the place of event. 

The outfit can be:

Casual - jeans, a tucked in shirt and a blazer.

Semi Formal - khakis, crisp shirt and a coat.

Formal - a three piece, double breasted suit.

Now if you think one tie can work with all the outfit combinations mentioned above, then you are wrong. While one particular tie may work with some, it won’t with the rest. Instead of adding more style, it is going to take away whatever style your dress already has. And that isn’t what we are looking for. 

Keep in Mind The Occasion 

The occasion is the main factor which will help us decide what tie to wear. It is also what will help determine what outfit to wear. Lets run through a few occasions:

A date night - a shirt and a blazer with a casual knit tie should work best. 

A business meeting - a three piece suit, with a patterned double colored tie. 

A wedding luncheon - a double breasted suit with a one color silk tie, is the way to go.

Choosing The Right Colors

The next big factor when it comes to picking out the perfect tie for your outfit is the color of the tie. Let’s be clear though, there are more than a million colors, patterns and other funky ties available in the market from bold bright hues, to light pastels. When it comes to picking the right color, it is essential to keep in mind your own skin color and the color of your outfit. The general rule though is to choose a dark colored tie with all outfits, so that it pops and shows. After all, what's the point of wearing a tie that doesn’t show? A Hextie Honeycomb tie would be a perfect fit for this scenario.

However, you wouldn’t want to go crazy with the idea of a popping color and walk out with a neon colored tie with a dark colored suit. The basic idea is to choose a color of tie that compliments rather than clashes with your outfit’s color. 

Don’t go overboard with patterns:

Just as there are a million colors of ties available, a million patterns are also readily available. From basic stripes to novelty designs, such as these

Although the patterns are very appealing, they are the trickiest to pair. The easiest patterns to pair are stripes. These are the staple of most business attire. Dual or tri colored stripes work well over a crisp white shirt, if you’re looking to leave a lasting impression! However, you shouldn’t pair a patterned tie with a patterned shirt. One of the two has to be plain, in order to complement each other. Or else you will just drown out the tie in the shirt.

Size matters (no pun intended):

If you know anything about fashion and style, one thing you most definitely know and believe in is proportion. But while most of us keep proportion in mind when shopping for a suit, or blazer, we never consider it when buying a tie. Just like different fits of a blazer suit will suit different body types, there are different widths of ties that work well on each body type. A broad shouldered man should go for a wide tie, while a narrow shouldered man should go for a narrower tie. If a broad shouldered person goes for a narrow tie, it would further accentuate his broad shoulders, disrupting his body proportion. 

Just as how important width is, length should also be considered. The tie should be right above the pant’s waistband. Anything shorter than that looks downright cheap and unprofessional.

Material Is Key

Ties come in a variety of materials. From pure silk, to knitted wool and cotton linen. Each material however has its own place in the wardrobe. A cotton or linen tie works best when paired with casual attire while a pure silk selection will work well with business attires and more formal outfits. Knitted wool ties are made specifically for fall and winter wear being that they are thicker fabric. 

Here are 3 combination of ties hand-picked by our editorial team, that go best with the designated occasions and attires:

A Black Tie Event:

This Hextie Honeycomb Black is the best for anyone with a narrow shoulder width. Perfect for any formal event. It adds the right class and luxury to any attire, with its pure silk finish.

Honeycomb Tie

Summer Look:

This Vegan Leather Cayman Tie by Hextie is best for any summer look. Pair it with a blazer or a grey suit and you are sure to rock the look. 

Leather Tie

Fall Charity Event:

Nothing beats this Vegan Leather Cappuccino Tie by Hextie, especially when paired with a classic white shirt and beige suit. Or you could also pair it with a salmon pink shirt and brown khakis and a plaid blazer for a less formal event.

Vegan Leather Tie - Hextie

For more men’s fashion advice, stay tuned to our blog, for more fashion tips to ace your style game!  

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